帰国後、会社勤めの傍ら辛島文雄氏に師事し、ジャズピアノを本格的に学び始める。以後、都内近郊のライブハウス、ホテルやレストランなどを中心に演奏活動を開始。2016年より1年間、ロサンゼルス滞在中にJosh Nelson氏に師事し学びを深める。現地ミュージシャンとのセッション、ライブ活動に励む他、自身のカルテットでレコーディングを経験。 帰国後、2017年10月にファーストミニアルバムをリリース。クラシックピアノを中村和枝氏に師事。現在は様々な編成で都内近郊中心に各地にて活動中。
Rumi Abe
Born in Nagoya, Japan.
She started playing Electone (Electronic organ) at age 4 with various kinds of genre of music and studied composing and basic music theory.
She earned bachelor's degree in Business Management from San Diego State University. While she was in the US, she fell in love with Jazz and became enthusiastic about listening to live Jazz.
After coming back home to Japan, she started to study music theory mainly in Jazz with Fumio Karashima.
In the summer of 2016, she moved to Los Angeles and studied with Josh Nelson and expanded her experiences by playing with local musicians in live sessions and recordings for one year, released her first mini album in 2017.
She also has been learning Classic piano by Kazue Nakamura. Now Rumi has been an actively giging pianist in Tokyo as well as other local cities in Japan.